I did start another blog... quite some time ago... but procrastinated about it and was totally undisciplined about keeping it up. But, I didn't tell anyone about it, so chances are no-one even saw it and all is forgiven :)
On to a fresh new start!
Bueno Vida is Spanish for "Good Life". Something we work hard to achieve every day in our household. For too long, we've let the "need" for safety and security make us believe it hampers our ability to really pursue our dreams. Working full time parents, with a house to maintain, and three kids to feed, that was our first priority, and we don't regret it for one minute.
Well, the kids are getting older and things are changing! We want to teach our children about new adventures and taking chances to reap the rewards, we want them to be their own heroes. We want them to have a dream, and chase that dream until it is their reality. We have to lead by example, we will start small, make small mistakes (I am sure), but in the end, we will be living the life that we've always dreamed of, and show them that is attainable!
We live in a small town (recently promoted to City status, but I can't wrap my brain around that, so I will call it our town), 10 minutes from a not-too big City in Saskatchewan. Everything we might need is in the City, we work there, we take classes there, we shop there, we have family and friends there. We want our town to provide all the things we need, just like the City, only that means we can fully support the town we live in, that is why we chose to live here! There has been a staggering amount of growth here in the past 5 years, as there has been everywhere, but here, places that seemed so "far' from anything now hold whole new neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sac's, townhouses... people! This kind of growth means we can support major and diverse business growth in our town!
The main strip of our town, where all the businesses, restaurants, grocery stores, etc., are housed, is directly opposite the highway. To be honest, it feels and looks like a truck stop. Our belief is that our town/city needs to re-zone existing lots/houses in the residential area to house small businesses. Like the one we dream of having. (More details to follow as the plans come to fruition :). I'm not talking about slapping a pub or a metal shop in the middle of someone's block, but adding the charm and character that our town so badly needs in the form of specialty shops, a small art gallery, a corner ice-cream parlour... you know what I'm talking about?
In the 13 years we've lived here, the town has been making improvements, but slowly. The neighboring towns are prettier than ours, dammit! We can get there, we just need a vision! We are going to start going to town meetings, learn about what the town's vision is. We can't very well just sit here and complain about it right? That doesn't do anything. Change begins in your own backyard.
And speaking about changing your own backyard, slowly but surely we have been doing just that. We don't talk to many people about it, because anyone that knows Leigh and I, knows that we are indecisive when it come to what we are going to do with our house, and what we are going to do with our careers. Not that we bounce around in our career lives mind you, but there's that whole "letting the need for safety and security make us believe it hampers our ability to really pursue our dreams" thing :) I have been in administrative and managerial positions my whole working life. It is a good, safe living... (yes, that is sarcasm you are hearing). Leigh was a cook for most of his working life (another safe living, everyone has to eat!), achieving his journeyman status and running a few kitchens as Sous Chef and Head Chef in his day. He switched to carpentry 3 years ago, and I've never seen him so happy, truly enjoying what he is doing, way to go babe!
Now there is me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook. It takes up most of my "free" time. I use that word cautiously because I don't have a lot of that. :) But, my kids are absolutely wonderful. They give me so much joy! Daily they become more independent, develop more of their own interests and give me more of that time I need to pursue my dreams as well as support them in theirs. I want to cook. Plain and simple. Not a rushed, busy, commercial kitchen/restaurant kind-of-cook, but cook good quality slow food, using products from local vendors, and creating things that people can take home to make their home lives run just a little smoother. I want to develop strong, intimate and lasting relationships with my clients and with my suppliers. Start small remember? Make small mistakes. Love what you do.
And then there is wine. I LOVE LOVE LOVE wine. I want to educate people in wine. It's so fun and so easy! I want to give them the confidence to not be put off by "wine snobs" (I hate that) and make that kind of education affordable and fun. Armed with confidence, surging forward to experience new foods and new wines, and pairing those wines, and doing it somewhere where they feel warm and comfortable and... oh, I am rambling on, aren't I? It is my passion. My passion is strong. When I am alone inside my head, it is usually the topic of conversation. I guess I would be called a foodie. And a winey?
Leigh and I have lots of plans. Armed with a new attitude and a new outlook, we will succeed in achieving all that we want to do. People, we only live this life we are in once, after that, who knows what happens! Live it to the fullest! Don't let your dreams get pushed aside!
I am not going to call this blog a food blog, but I will talk about it a lot! I will let you know what we are cooking, what we are eating, what works and what doesn't. And about wine, a lot! I will let you in on new amazing bottles, and steer you away from the not so amazing ones. I will talk about my husband, my kids, and our life. All the ups, all the downs. My family and friends may be the only ones to read this, but that is okay! It is a great outlet for me to throw it all out there, keep people updated so they can rejoice with me with each success and each discovery!
Bueno Vida!
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