Friday, March 5, 2010

My Baby is Eleven!

Today is Kennedy's 11th birthday.  Leigh and I spent the morning time we had together reminiscing, we were sitting having a cup of coffee and remembering that we were doing that same thing 11 years ago, having some breakfast and getting ready to go to the hospital to get induced.  All my babies were induced, it is a very calm way to go into a birth.  It gives you time to prepare, well, not for the pain, but for the event itself.  We had to be at the hospital at 9:00 am, Leigh had a melt-down in the parking log (he does it with every baby) and we were on our way!  Ken was born at 11:37 pm, one push, adjust, one more and out she shot!  She couldn't wait to join the world and we couldn't wait to welcome her into it!  Big brother Braedon came the next morning, Leigh went to stay at my Mom's house that night, Braedon was already there, and the long awaited sibling was introduced to him.  Braedon was nine when she was born, sixteen when Julia was born, I like to rest in-between babies, what can I say!  :)

Kennedy continues to amaze us every day of her wonderful existence.  She is a joy to be around (okay, except first thing in the morning :), she has so much to tell us, teach us, share with us... she is a ray of light in our lives.   She is very easy to like, very talented and lovely to everyone around her.  Thank you for being a part of our lives baby, and Happy Birthday!


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Kennedy. :) We're glad that your smiling face & happiness is a part of our life too!
